Download article / list of articles
The download function is only available if you're logged in, no matter which type of download.
Download information of one article
The function to download the information of one article is available on the Search page.
By clicking the button you will get to download a .json file with all information that is entered for the specific paper. The structure is the following (cleared all values for better view):
"sites": {}, //not for this type but can be in output for other type of study
"method": {}, //not for this type but can be in output for other type of study
"model" {}, //not for this type but can be in output for other type of study
The output is mainly dependent of the type of study of each paper and the data itself, that was entered by the user. In the example the type of study is Experiment with sites entered individual.
general_information : all bibliographic information
type_of_study: all information concerning the type of study
site_soil: all information concerning Site & Soils
sites: all information concerning Sites & Soils
method: all information concerning Method
model: all information concerning Model
management_land_use: entered management and land use
measured_variables: all measured variables
relationships: the relationships found
Download information of a list of articles
The function for downloading a list of papers is nearly the same as for one article. You can find it either on the search page or in one of the visualizations, the functionality is the same.
By clicking the button you will get to download the file with all papers that are listed on the right for the search page or shown in the specific visualization. In this example you will download the information of 809 papers. A high amount of data will cause some delay.
The structure is the same, the only difference is, that the papers are stored in an array:
"site_soil": {},
"sites": {},
The example includes papers with type of study Experiment (individual entry of sites), Method, and Experiment (combined entry of sites) or Meta-Analysis (same structure).